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- Home
- Staff
- Pastor: Grover Cleveland
- President: Sandra Grizzard
- Vice-President: *Currently* *Vacant*
- Secretary/Treasurer: Susan Ashworth
- Mission Support: Sylvia Whitten
- Mission Action: Connie Chaney
- Ministries
- About Us
- Prayer
- Sermons
- A Place for You
- The Gate To Heaven
- Why People Reject God
- Freedom
- Doing What I Don't Want To Do
- Parable of The Wheat and Tares
- The Kingdom of God
- The Apostle of Love-John
- What The Bible Says About Immigration
- The Wedding Garment
- Train Up A Child - Vacation Bible School Commencement
- Cities in Judgment
- A Nation That Found The Book
- Guest Speaker
- What the World Forgets
- Fight For Your Family
- Robbers of God
- The New View of Life
- The Day of the Lord
- The Last Word From Daniel
- A Redeemed Life
- Prophecy of Armageddon
- The Seventy Weeks of Daniel Part III
- Seventy Weeks of Daniel Part II
- Seventy Weeks of Daniel Part 1
- Daniel's Prayer
- From Death to Resurrection
- Second Word From the Cross
- Tears
- Simon A Cyrenion
- Critics
- The Roman Centurion
- Church and Tribulation
- The Reign of Terror
- The Antichrist
- Daniel's Inquiry
- Ancient of Days
- Four Beasts
- When Christ Rules the World
- Prophecy and World Events
- The Savior & Our Need For Saving
- You Are Loved
- His Star
- Glory To God In The Highest
- What Happens When We Die
- What is Heaven Like
- Is There a Heaven
- Genuine Thanksgiving
- Christians Should Support Israel
- Following The Lord in Baptism
- Four Pictures of Life
- True Christian Discipleship
- Facing Reality
- Homecoming 2023
- After Love, What?
- A Warning to All
- Sinner, Beware
- The State of Humankind
- The Light of The World
- The Salt of the Earth
- Rejoice in Tribulation
- Christian and Persecution
- Will Our Children Be Cursed?
- 5th Sunday Brittany Bowman
- Blessed Are The Peacemakers
- Blessed Are The Pure in Heart
- The Curse on America
- Blessed Are The Merciful
- The Character of Peter
- Test of Spiritual Appetite
- Blessedness and Righteousness
- Blessed Are The Meek
- Blessed Are They That Mourn
- Hannah
- Poor in Spirit
- Pentecost
- Cursing a Fig Tree
- The King of kings
- Abuse, Mockery and Torment
- The King Enters Jerusalem
- Kings of the East
- King of The West
- King of The South
- King of The North
- Prophet,Priest and King
- The Life-Changing Meeting
- The Love of God in Salvation
- Sign of the New Birth
- After a Sin
- God's People
- The Gospel and the Natural Man
- A New and Living Way
- "The Savior Who Came" Christmas Day Service - 2022
- Christmas Eve Message 2022
- Jesus Was Sought
- Three Things You Cannot Do Without
- Impact Mecklenburg 2023
- Prayer of Thanksgiving
- The Goodness of God
- Why People Disbelieve
- Losing Our Way
- True and False Religion
- The Church Today
- Homecoming 2022
- The Lord's Supper
- Heaven
- Hell
- Antichrist
- Rapture
- Largest Giver
- Self-Made Fool
- The Call of Isaiah
- Vacation Bible School Commencment
- July 5th Sunday Music
- Salvation - Impossible with Men
- "Man's Trouble"
- Freedom
- Is America in Prophecy
- Everything Does Happen for a Reason
- A Dad's Job
- I will Come Again
- Avoiding Judgment
- 5th Sunday Music - First Go 'Round
- Is God Sovereign Over Evil
- False Security
- Talking to Ladies
- Is God in Control?
- Doubt to Faith
- The Easter Story
- The Shadow of The Cross
- The Crisis of The Cross
- Lent Message - His Scars
- The Triumph of The Cross
- The Cross Gives Peace
- A Great and Complete Salvation
- Saved For What
- Saved by What
- Ezekiel's War
- Saved From What?
- Deception Part II
- Deception Part I
- The Lord of History
- Mary's Visit To Elizabeth
- Looking Ahead
- Two Views, Two Destinies
- Bible Study
- Romans
- Romans Chapter 1
- Romans Chapter 2
- Romans Chapter 3
- Romans Chapter 4
- Romans Chapter 5
- Romans Chapter 6
- Romans Chapter 7
- Romans Chapter 8
- Romans Chapter 9
- Romans Chapter 10
- Romans Chapter 11
- Romans Chapter 12
- Romans Chapter 13
- Romans Chapter 14
- Romans Chapter 15
- Romans Chapter 16
- James
- james 1:1-12.
- James 1:13-18
- James 1:19-27
- James 2:1-13
- James 2:14-26
- James 3:1-13
- James 3:14-18
- James 4:1-12
- James 4-13-17
- James 5:1-6
- James 5:7-12
- James 5:13-20
- Bible Answers
- Anything Goes
- Immigration
- Chrisitan Persecution
- Apathy of America
- Revival
- Israel
- Islamic Terrorists
- Russia Ezekiel 38 and 39
- The Rapture
- Rapture Before The Tribulation
- The Giants in Your Life
- The Giant of Fear
- The Giant of Discouragement
- The Giant of Loneliness
- The Giant of Worry
- The Giant of Guilt
- The Giant of Temptation
- The Giant of Anger
- The Giant of Resentment
- The Giant of Doubt
- The Giant of Procrastination
- The Giant of Failure
- The Giant of Jealousy
- Ruth
- Ruth 1:1-5 Preview
- Running Away from Trouble
- Three Steps Back to God
- Decisions Determine Destiny
- Going Home
- When God Leads
- Right Time and The Right Place
- Midnight Meeting
- Waiting On God
- A Worthy Redeemer
- The Blessings of a Baby
- Ruth and The Messiah
- Our Kinsman Redeemer
- 1st Corinthians
- Equipped
- Split Church
- God vs Man's Wisdom
- God's Nobodies
- God's Power
- Insight Into God's Word
- Three Types of People
- What Are You Building
- The Judgement Seat of Jesus Christ
- The Church-The Temple of God
- God's Judgement
- Pride in the Church
- Sin In The Church
- Church Discipline
- Lawsuits Between Believers
- Morality
- Happy Married
- Marriage and Divorce
- Conversion
- Singles
- Christian Liberty
- Rights
- Self-discipline
- Overcoming Temptation
- Help For The Tempted
- Danger of Demon Worship
- Christian Liberties
- Hats and Headship
- The Lord's Table
- Spiritual Gifts
- Prophecy and Tongues
- Risen Christ
- Our Resurrection Bodies
- Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- The Attributes of God The Father
- The Attributes of God Intro 2
- The Attributes of God - Personality of God
- Attributes of God-Eternalness
- The Attributes of God - Sovereignty of God
- The Attributes of God - Omnipotence
- Attributes of God - Omnipresence
- The Attributes of God-Omniscience
- The Attributes of God - Holines
- The Attributes of God - Goodness
- The Attributes of God - Mercy
- The Attributes of God - Love
- The Attributes of God - Grace
- The Attributes of God - Fatherhood of God
- The Names of God-Introduction
- Names of God:Elohim
- Names of God - Jehovah
- Names of God - Adonai
- Names of God - El Shaddai
- Names of God: El Elyon
- Names of God: El Olam
- Names of God: El Roi
- Names of God: Jehovah Jireh
- Names of God: Jehovah Nissi
- Names of God: Jehovah Tsidkenu
- Names of God - Jehovah Ra-Ah
- Names of God: Jehovah Rapha
- Names of God - Jehovah Shalom
- Names of God - Jehovah Sabaoth
- Names of God - Jehovah Shammah
- Joshua
- Links
- Giving
- Photos
- Mt. Horeb Advent 2019
- Valentine's Dinner 2020
- Mt. Horeb 2019 Christmas Program
- Mt. Horeb 2019 Homecoming
- 2019 Mt. Horeb Baptist Church Christmas Basket
- Advent-Christmas 2020
- Camp Concord Golf Fundraiser 2019
- 2019 Annual Stew
- 2019 Senior's Luncheon
- Easter Sunrise Service
- Mt. Horeb Baptist Church 5th Sunday Music 3/31/2019
- Valentines Dinner
- Mt. Horeb Baptist Church 2018 Christmas Program
- Mt. Horeb WMU Christmas Basket Luncheon
- Mt. Horeb Baptist Church - 2018 Revival
- Mt. Horeb Baptist Church - 2018 Homecoming
- Mt. Horeb Baptist Church - 5th Sunday Music
- Mt. Horeb Baptist Church - 2018 Annual Stew
- Calendar
- Memorial Services